Case Studies

Cooling pumps control Panel

  • Bitrez is a resin manufacturer that holds the UK’s coveted Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation. They are a design and manufacturing specialists in polymers & synthetic resins over 2 facilities in the North West of England offering an extensive range of highly innovative materials developed for a broad range of markets.
  • Bitrez plant relies on an un-interrupted flow of cooling water throughout the site to maintain safe and effective production. There are 3 main cooling pipe systems, the main system is a redundant 55kW pumping system.
  • Bitrez only had manual changeover from the system pump to the standby pump. Due to the lack of changeover the primary system pump has a very high workload in comparison to it’s ‘offline’ redundant sister.
  • This in turn causes variable availability on the redundant pump / motor seizing due to lack of use.
  • No data was being captured to the work hours of either pump making preventative maintenance hard to predict.
  • HTS Group was approached to design, build and commission a twin pump control panel that would provide automatic changeover not only on primary pump failure but at periodic timeframes to allow ‘available immediate use’ of the standby pump / motor.

Deliverables and Objectives:

  • Automatic safety changeover of primary motor / pump failure to standby system.
  • Periodic automatic weekly changeover between primary and standby systems to allow for equal workload.
  • Alarming on unexpected changeover.
  • Maintenance testing of changeover.
  • Logging of individual usage and load of both systems to allow for more preventative maintenance.
  • HMI control and interrogation / manual manipulation of set points for changeover.
  • All design, build, test, install and commissioning Compliant to BS 7671 and BS EN 60204-1:2018.

Process and conclusions:

  • HTS Group developed a system control panel encompassing all of the deliverables using Siemens Logo. Graphical HMI display was considered however Bitrez concluded that a simpler data HMI was sufficient so the Siemens TDI display was selected. Powerful enough through the in-house software for logging – yet simple enough to satisfy the clients required deliverables.
  • Using a Star / Delta system and the in house developed software, both pumps / motors now run to the desired end user requirements ensuring an joint extended life span of major capital investment. Onsite commissioning and testing was completed, alarm conditions were proven and correct, and the end user feedback has been extremely positive.

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